29 October 2001 Grating images of a multiphase grating optical low-pass filter
Chun-Soo Go, Jai-Cheol Lee, Yong-Ho Oh, Sungwoo Lim, Shi-Ho Kim
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Proceedings Volume 4594, Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices II; (2001)
Event: International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, 2001, Singapore, Singapore
The grating optical low-pass filter (GOLF) has lots of advantages over traditional birefringent low-pass filter. But, one disadvantage of it is that the shadow image of the grating is visible, especially when the numerical aperture of a camera is large. We found that we can reduce the visibility of a grating image, if we adopted a multi-phase grating instead of a two-phase grating. First, from the simulation of the Fresnel diffraction pattern of a 1D multi- phase grating, we found the optimum width and phase of each grating step that minimizes the modulation of the Fresnel diffraction. And then, we designed a 2D multi-phase GOLF by extrapolating 1D structure. Four types of GOLF, four-phase, seven-phase, eight-phase, and also two-phase GOLF were manufactured with a semiconductor process. Finished GOLF samples were installed to a digital camera to take pictures of a test target and compare them with each other. Experiment results show that as the number of phase step increase, the gratin image becomes more indistinctive.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Chun-Soo Go, Jai-Cheol Lee, Yong-Ho Oh, Sungwoo Lim, and Shi-Ho Kim "Grating images of a multiphase grating optical low-pass filter", Proc. SPIE 4594, Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices II, (29 October 2001);
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Diffraction gratings

Linear filtering

Near field diffraction

Digital cameras

Charge-coupled devices


Zone plates


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