1 July 2002 Inspection of EUV reticles
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This paper presents the results of patterned and unpatterned EUV mask inspections. We will show inspection results related to EUV patterned mask design factors that affect inspection tool sensitivity, in particular, EUV absorber material reflectivity, and EUV buffer layer thickness. We have used a DUV (257nm) inspection system to inspect patterned reticles, and have achieved defect size sensitivities on patterned reticles of approximately 80 nm. We have inspected EUV substrates and blanks with a UV (364nm) tool with a 90nm to a 120 nm PSL sensitivity, respectively, and found that defect density varies markedly, by factors of 10 and more, from sample to sample. We are using this information in an ongoing effort to reduce defect densities in substrates and blanks to the low levels that will be needed for EUV lithography. While DUV tools will likely meet the patterned inspection requirements of the 70 nm node in terms of reticle defect sensitivity, wavelengths shorter than 200 nm will be required to meet the 50 nm node requirements. This research was sponsored in part by NIST-ATP under KLA-Tencor Cooperative Agreement #70NANB8H44024.
© (2002) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Donald W. Pettibone, Andrei Veldman, Ted Liang, Alan R. Stivers, Pawitter J. S. Mangat, Bing Lu, Scott Daniel Hector, James R. Wasson, Kenneth L. Blaedel, Emily Fisch, and David M. Walker "Inspection of EUV reticles", Proc. SPIE 4688, Emerging Lithographic Technologies VI, (1 July 2002); Logo
Cited by 12 scholarly publications.
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