1 August 2002 Impact of deformation of the edges of two complementary patterns on electron-beam projection lithography mask making
Hisatake Sano, Kenichi Morimoto, Yuuki Aritsuka, Hiroshi Fujita
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In EPL, one of the issues is how to reduce the critical dimension (CD) error observed at the boundary of two complementary patterns when being stitched together to form one smooth line. This paper is concerned about edge deformation of the two lines to reduce the CD error. Among several forms, a pair of concave- and convex-three-up-step edges was formed for 580-nm-wide lines with 75-nm-wide steps. Our choices of the shapes of deformed edges are presented based on the degree of difficulties of making fiber features on mask. The first choice is a pair of concave- and convex-one-step edges. Two EPL dat conversion systems, SX-GIGA/EPLON of Seiko Instruments Inc. and PATACON-6600 of Nippon Control System Corp., are introduced. They are found to automatically yield required stitching correction patterns. Their flexibility in stitching correction enough to cope with customers' requests makes them useful and practical.
© (2002) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hisatake Sano, Kenichi Morimoto, Yuuki Aritsuka, and Hiroshi Fujita "Impact of deformation of the edges of two complementary patterns on electron-beam projection lithography mask making", Proc. SPIE 4754, Photomask and Next-Generation Lithography Mask Technology IX, (1 August 2002); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Critical dimension metrology


Mask making

Data conversion

Projection lithography


Control systems


Stencil pattern accuracy of EPL masks
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