4 September 2002 Switched pattern laser projection for real-time depth extraction and visualization through endoscopes
Kurtis Keller, Jeremy D. Ackerman, Henry Fuchs
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Gathering depth information through an endoscope or laparoscope during surgical or other procedures is quite difficult. There are stereo laparoscopes but generating three-dimensional models with them is very difficult. Accurate real-time generation of three-dimensional models through a laparoscope is a needed technology to enable a wide range of surgical applications. We have designed a miniature laparoscopic optical system consisting of a single laser whose pattern is modulated and uses the laparoscope as the optical display path into the body. Two cameras, one sensitive to the laser light and the other for full color imaging share this same tube as the laser projector but use the light from the opposite direction. The images gathered by the laser sensitive camera are used to generate a three dimensional map, and the color image is used to acquire the corresponding texture map. High-speed image processing hardware is used to generate 3D information using a structured light technique. The user can then re-render the acquired scene in 3D. The optical system is divided into a removable upper half consisting of the cameras, laser, digital light switches and combining optics. The lower half is the laparoscope or endocope that can be sterilized. There can be several variations in the configuration of the laparoscope optical half that tailor to different procedures.
© (2002) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kurtis Keller, Jeremy D. Ackerman, and Henry Fuchs "Switched pattern laser projection for real-time depth extraction and visualization through endoscopes", Proc. SPIE 4768, Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization V, (4 September 2002); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Projection systems


Structured light

3D image processing

Imaging systems


2D virtual texture on 3D real object with coded structured...
Proceedings of SPIE (February 26 2008)
Real-time structured light depth extraction
Proceedings of SPIE (March 16 2000)
Creating interactive 3D media with projector-camera systems
Proceedings of SPIE (January 18 2004)
Virtual endoscope
Proceedings of SPIE (April 15 1994)

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