15 May 2003 Ophthalmologic diagnostic tool using MR images for biomechanically-based muscle volume deformation
Michael Buchberger, Thomas Kaltofen
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We would like to give a work-in-progress report on our ophthalmologic diagnostic software system which performs biomechanically-based muscle volume deformations using MR images. For reconstructing a three-dimensional representation of an extraocular eye muscle, a sufficient amount of high resolution MR images is used, each representing a slice of the muscle. In addition, threshold values are given, which restrict the amount of data used from the MR images. The Marching Cube algorithm is applied to the polygons, resulting in a 3D representation of the muscle, which can efficiently be rendered. A transformation to a dynamic, deformable model is applied by calculating the center of gravity of each muscle slice, approximating the muscle path and subsequently adding Hermite splines through the centers of gravity of all slices. Then, a radius function is defined for each slice, completing the transformation of the static 3D polygon model. Finally, this paper describes future extensions to our system. One of these extensions is the support for additional calculations and measurements within the reconstructed 3D muscle representation. Globe translation, localization of muscle pulleys by analyzing the 3D reconstruction in two different gaze positions and other diagnostic measurements will be available.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Michael Buchberger and Thomas Kaltofen "Ophthalmologic diagnostic tool using MR images for biomechanically-based muscle volume deformation", Proc. SPIE 5032, Medical Imaging 2003: Image Processing, (15 May 2003);
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Eye models

3D modeling

Magnetic resonance imaging

Mathematical modeling





Offsetting and blending with perturbation functions
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