15 May 2003 Shape classification of malignant lymphomas and leukemia by morphological watersheds and ARMA modeling
Mehmet Celenk, Yinglei Song, Limin Ma, Min Zhou
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A new algorithm that can be used to automatically recognize and classify malignant lymphomas and lukemia is proposed in this paper. The algorithm utilizes the morphological watershed to extract boundaries of cells from their grey-level images. It generates a sequence of Euclidean distances by selecting pixels in clockwise direction on the boundary of the cell and calculating the Euclidean distances of the selected pixels from the centroid of the cell. A feature vector associated with each cell is then obtained by applying the auto-regressive moving-average (ARMA) model to the generated sequence of Euclidean distances. The clustering measure J3=trace{inverse(Sw-1)Sm} involving the within (Sw) and mixed (Sm) class-scattering matrices is computed for both cell classes to provide an insight into the extent to which different cell classes in the training data are separated. Our test results suggest that the algorithm is highly accurate for the development of an interactive, computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) tool.
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Mehmet Celenk, Yinglei Song, Limin Ma, and Min Zhou "Shape classification of malignant lymphomas and leukemia by morphological watersheds and ARMA modeling", Proc. SPIE 5032, Medical Imaging 2003: Image Processing, (15 May 2003); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Image segmentation

Image processing algorithms and systems


Algorithm development

Detection and tracking algorithms

Image processing

Autoregressive models

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