22 May 2003 A digital image acquisition system for skin lesions
Ilias G. Maglogiannis, Dimitrios I. Kosmopoulos
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A major issue concerning the design and implementation of an acquisition system for digital images of skin lesions is the ability of capturing reproducible images. The reproducibility is considered essential for image analysis classification and for the comparison of sequential images during follow-up studies. This paper describes a complete image acquisition system used for the collection of reproducible images of patients having melanoma and compares them with images displaying dysplastic nevus for diagnostic purposes. The system includes a standardized illumination and capturing geometry with polarizing filters and a series of software corrections: Calibration to Black, White, Internal and External camera parameters, Shading correction and Median filtering. The validity of the calibration procedure and the ability of the implemented system to produce reproducible images were tested by capturing sample images in 3 different lighting conditions of the surrounding environment: dark, medium and intense lighting. For each case the average values of the three-color planes RGB and their standard deviations were calculated and the measured error differences ranged between 0,4 and 13,2 (in the 0-255 scale). Preliminary experiments for stereo measurements provided repeatability of about 0.3mm. The above numbers demonstrate the reproducibility of the captured images at a satisfactory level.
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Ilias G. Maglogiannis and Dimitrios I. Kosmopoulos "A digital image acquisition system for skin lesions", Proc. SPIE 5034, Medical Imaging 2003: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, (22 May 2003); Logo
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