18 August 2003 Full-scale testing results of structural damage detection using long-gage fiber Bragg gratings and modal analysis
Sean Calvert, Joel Pascal Conte, Babak Moaveni, Whitten L. Schulz, Raymond de Callafon
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Blue Road Research and the University of California have been collaborating over the past three years to develop a system employing fiber Bragg grating strain sensors and modal analysis to provide real-time, quantitative information on the structure's response to a dynamic input (such as a seismic event), and a fast prediction of the structure's integrity. This research, being funded by the National Science Foundation, has several publications showing its strong progress. This year marks a significant step forward in this effort, with the successful completion of a full-scale test performed on a longitudinal carbon shell girder being tested as part of the planned I-5/Gilman Advanced technology Bridge in California, USA.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Sean Calvert, Joel Pascal Conte, Babak Moaveni, Whitten L. Schulz, and Raymond de Callafon "Full-scale testing results of structural damage detection using long-gage fiber Bragg gratings and modal analysis", Proc. SPIE 5057, Smart Structures and Materials 2003: Smart Systems and Nondestructive Evaluation for Civil Infrastructures, (18 August 2003); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Fiber Bragg gratings



Fiber optics sensors

Modal analysis

Optical filters

System identification

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