28 August 2003 Advanced NLD mask dry etching system for 90-nm node technology
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Front-end semiconductor lithography demands smaller size of patterns for 90 nm node and beyond, on both Si wafers and photomasks. In dry etching for photomasks, it needs tighter CD uniformity and loading effect. For meeting these demands the advanced NLD (magnetic Neutral Loop Discharge) mask etcher has been developed, because it could operate at lower pressure for reducing loading effect than conventional ICP etchers, due to the magnetic confinement of electron in plasma generation. In the NLD mask etcher, the configuration of plasma source was investigated for better performance and the etching condition was re-optimized for improving selectivity. Consequently, the selectivity of Cr/resist (ZEP-7000) was more than 1.6, compared with 0.95 in the previous condition. And also, the CD uniformity in Cr etching was improved to meet our target 6 nm (3 sigma) around 0.68 Pa. However, in the view of reducing loading effect, other condition that is lower pressure than 0.68Pa and adding Helium (HE) showed smaller global loading. Therefore, making a balance of uniformity and loading is necessary to get better performance in mask process. We also propose a basic condition using the advanced NLD mask etcher for dry etching a MoSiON shifter of atenuated PSM in this paper.
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Noriyuki Harashima, Takaei Sasaki, Kiyoshi Kuwahara, Toshio Hayashi, Yoshiyuki Tanaka, Nobuyuki Yoshioka, Mutsumi Hara, and Yukio Ohkubo "Advanced NLD mask dry etching system for 90-nm node technology", Proc. SPIE 5130, Photomask and Next-Generation Lithography Mask Technology X, (28 August 2003); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Dry etching






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