9 October 2003 Time-of-flight laser scanner for architectural and archaeological applications
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The realization of an accurate 3D model of a building, a piece of architecture or a terrain has been a prerogative of the photogrammetric systems for a long time. However, recent developments in opto-electronic technology and 3D analysis software made the production of 3D models by laser scanning a practical proposition. The main advantages of laser scanners are accuracy and speed, allowing, thus, the collecting of data on a dense sampling of the object. For many architectural and industrial applications it is important to integrate the data acquired with different instruments, but a problem met with many commercial systems is the lack of compatibility with classic survey methodologies. Moreover, superimposition of results from different techniques is possible only if the output is metrically correct. This work is aimed at showing the results of some architectural and archaeological surveys realized by means of a 3D scanning device, based on the Time-Of-Flight (TOF) technology. The instrument, devoted to architectural applications in the Cultural Heritage field, was set up in order to provide the characteristics of reliability and compatibility to other systems. Such a device is composed by a high precision scanning system equipped with a commercial low-cost distance-meter.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Raffaella Fontana, Maria Chiara Gambino, Gabriella G. Gianfrate, Marinella Greco, Luciano Marras, Marzia Materazzi, Enrico Pampaloni, and Luca Pezzati "Time-of-flight laser scanner for architectural and archaeological applications", Proc. SPIE 5146, Optical Metrology for Arts and Multimedia, (9 October 2003); Logo
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3D modeling

Laser scanners

3D metrology

3D scanning

Data modeling

Data acquisition

3D-TOF imaging


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