17 December 2003 DUV ALTA system aerial image enhancement for improved pattern fidelity
Paul C. Allen, Alex H. Buxbaum, Samuel C. Howells, Boaz Kenan, Asher Klatchko, Peter Y. Pirogovsky, Robin Teitzel, Michael White
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The ALTA 4300 system has been used to successfully write many advanced design layers previously only feasible with 50kV vector shaped beam tools. In order to further enlarge the application space of this high productivity an aerial image enhancement technique has been developed to deliver mask patterns that more closely match pattern data for corners and jogs. This image enhancement is done in real time in the ALTA system’s rasterizer by modifying the gray level mapping of pixels near the corner vertexes. SEM measurements of corner rounding with standard rasterization and the enhanced rasterization show an improvement of corner rounding radius from ~205 to ~132 nm. A direct comparison of SEM micrographs show no qualitative difference between vector scan mask features and those written with aerial image enhancement. This convincingly demonstrates that the ALTA 4300 system with the new image enhancement can write many layers requiring vector scan corner acuity.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Paul C. Allen, Alex H. Buxbaum, Samuel C. Howells, Boaz Kenan, Asher Klatchko, Peter Y. Pirogovsky, Robin Teitzel, and Michael White "DUV ALTA system aerial image enhancement for improved pattern fidelity", Proc. SPIE 5256, 23rd Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology, (17 December 2003); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Artificial intelligence

Image enhancement


Vestigial sideband modulation

Optical proximity correction

Scanning electron microscopy

Deep ultraviolet


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