18 August 2004 Third-order nonlinearities of sulfur and selenide glasses at telecommunication wavelengths
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Infrared chalcogenide glasses are studied with respect to their non linear optical properties. These glasses are sulfur or selenide glasses synthesized in the binary or ternary systems of the Ge-As-S-Se family and are transparent from the end of the visible region to wavelengths above 10 μm depending on the composition. The non linear optical characteristics are firstly determined through a spatially resolved Mach Zender interferometer with the help of a Nd-YAG laser at 1064 nm. Non linearities three order of magnitude above the non linearity of silica glass are achieved. Then, the non linear imaging technique has been used to characterize the glasses at the telecommunication wavelength of 1.55μm. This one shot technique has allow us to obtain values for the non linear refractive index n2 as high as 14 10-18 m2/W. The non linear absorption at 1.55 μm has also been evaluated and is below 1 cm/GW for all the glasses. These third order non linear optical properties make these glasses suitable candidates for integrated ultra fast all optical devices. On the basis of the GeSe4 vitreous composition, an optical fiber, single mode at 1.55 μm, is achieved.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Frederic Smektala, Johann Troles, Patrick Houizot, Thierry Jouan, Georges Boudebs, Sudir Cherukulappurath, Vincent Couderc, and P. A. Champert "Third-order nonlinearities of sulfur and selenide glasses at telecommunication wavelengths", Proc. SPIE 5451, Integrated Optics and Photonic Integrated Circuits, (18 August 2004); Logo
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Optical fibers

Chalcogenide glass

Optical properties

Refractive index


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