6 December 2004 Global image placement of LEEPL mask
Hideyuki Eguchi, Takashi Susa, Tomoya Sumida, Toshiaki Kurosu, Takashi Yoshii, Kenta Yotsui, Hiroshi Sugimura, Kojiro Itoh, Akira Tamura
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Two types of strut-supported low energy electron-beam proximity projection lithography (LEEPL) masks which are grid-type mask and COSMOS-type mask, were investigated for Global image placement (IP). First, we evaluated the dynamic repeatability measurement performance for global IP, measuring a same mask 10 times on a 46 x 46 mm pattern area by using LEEPL electrostatic chuck (ESC). The measurement repeatability for grid type and COSMOS type were 5.1/7.8 nm and 4.4/5.8 nm in x/y directions respectively. And then global in-plane distortion (IPD) of COSMOS type masks with various stress and flatness were measured. The global IPD of a COSMOS-type mask with a low stress of 10 MPa and a flatness of 3.1 μm was 6.5/6.4 nm in x/y directions, which is negligible assuming the measurement repeatability. Finally the global IPs of the two-type masks were measured. The global IPs for the grid-type and COSMOS-type were 24.5/15.7 nm and 23.2/16.4 nm in x/y directions respectively. Thus we confirmed that the global IP obtained meet the required value of less than 30 nm.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hideyuki Eguchi, Takashi Susa, Tomoya Sumida, Toshiaki Kurosu, Takashi Yoshii, Kenta Yotsui, Hiroshi Sugimura, Kojiro Itoh, and Akira Tamura "Global image placement of LEEPL mask", Proc. SPIE 5567, 24th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology, (6 December 2004);
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