ULVAC Coating Corporation proposes a new ArF high transmittance attenuated mask which consists of a thin MoSiON film and a quartz trench. We made an appropriate thickness MoSiON film and found a
proper dry etching condition to dig a quartz trench by a NLD dry etcher. The etched quartz trench had very smooth bottom and correct depth. It is very difficult to make ArF high transmittance attenuated mask with perfectly satisfy the transmittance and phase shift angle because of characteristics of MoSiON film. PSM with MoSiON film has been used commercially under 248nm and 193nm wavelength. If it is
possible to use the current MoSiON film also for ArF high transmittance attenuated mask making, it would be very convenient for mask makers. This report will show our investigation results in regards to the possibility of making ArF high transmittance attenuated mask by using current MoSiON film with setting the transmittance of 15% at 193nm wavelength and setting the phase shift angle of 180 degree by MoSiON film and quartz trench etching. NLD (Magnetic Neutral Loop Discharge) mask etcher was used for this investigation. At conventional conditions, a large side etch was observed on the MoSiON film as a result of the etching process. We checked correlation between gas pressure and side etch, and found lower pressure resulted in smaller side etch. As the further low pressure, appearance of sub-trench were observed. By adding a CxFy gas with CF4-base etching gas for the dry etching process, we are able to improve the side etching and also sub-trench.