6 December 2004 Overcoming substrate defect decoration effects in EUVL mask blank development
Patrick A. Kearney, Rajul V. Randive, Andy Ma, David Krick, Al Weaver, Ira Reiss, Daniel Abraham, Paul B. Mirkarimi, E. Spiller
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Mask blanks for extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL) are fabricated by depositing Mo/Si multilayer films on 6” square super polished substrates. These mask blanks must be almost defect-free and development of a suitable multiplayer deposition tool and process is crucial for the commercialization of EUVL. We will show that using current, real-world quartz substrates and our state-of-the-art defect inspection tool, that substrate defect decoration is an obstacle; this means that there appear to be many non-detectable substrate defects that become detectable once a reflective coating is deposited. This makes it very challenging to conduct accurate defect root cause analysis experiments. We have overcome this obstacle: it entails characterizing an already coated substrate for defects, which provides a suitable reference from which to measure the defects in the multilayer coating that is subsequently applied. We will demonstrate that this is a viable technique and that it enables a suitable defect baseline to be obtained; this is crucial to performing accurate root cause analysis experiments for potential defect sources/mechanisms.
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Patrick A. Kearney, Rajul V. Randive, Andy Ma, David Krick, Al Weaver, Ira Reiss, Daniel Abraham, Paul B. Mirkarimi, and E. Spiller "Overcoming substrate defect decoration effects in EUVL mask blank development", Proc. SPIE 5567, 24th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology, (6 December 2004); Logo
Cited by 6 scholarly publications.
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Extreme ultraviolet lithography





Deposition processes


Overview of SEMATECH's EUVL program
Proceedings of SPIE (June 16 2005)
Defect printability and inspection of EUVL mask
Proceedings of SPIE (December 06 2004)
EUV mask defects and their removal
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EUVL masks: requirements and potential solutions
Proceedings of SPIE (July 01 2002)
Actinic inspection of sub-50 nm EUV mask blank defects
Proceedings of SPIE (May 03 2007)

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