20 January 2005 Analysis of the reflection of a micro drop fiber sensor
Weimin Sun, Qiang Liu, Lei Zhao, Yingjuan Li, Libo Yuan
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Micro drop fiber sensors are effective tools for measuring characters of liquids. These types of sensors are wildly used in biotechnology, beverage and food markets. For a fiber micro drop sensor, the signal of the output light is wavy with two peaks, normally. Carefully analyzing the wavy process can identify the liquid components. Understanding the reason of forming this wavy signal is important to design a suitable sensing head and to choose a suitable signal-processing method. The dripping process of a type of liquids is relative to the characters of the liquid and the shape of the sensing head. The quasi-Gauss model of the light field from the input-fiber end is used to analyse the distribution of the light field in the liquid drop. In addition, considering the characters of the liquid to be measured, the dripping process of the optical signal from the output-fiber end can be expected. The reflection surface of the micro drop varies as serials of spheres with different radiuses and global centers. The intensity of the reflection light changes with the shape of the surface. The varying process of the intensity relates to the tense, refractive index, transmission et al. To support the analyse above, an experimental system is established. In the system, LED is chosen as the light source and the PIN transform the light signal to the electrical signal, which is collected by a data acquisition card. An on-line testing system is made to check the theory discussed above.
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Weimin Sun, Qiang Liu, Lei Zhao, Yingjuan Li, and Libo Yuan "Analysis of the reflection of a micro drop fiber sensor", Proc. SPIE 5633, Advanced Materials and Devices for Sensing and Imaging II, (20 January 2005);
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Optical spheres

Fiber optics sensors




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