25 April 2005 Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy as a novel method to detect demyelination in rat sciatic nerve in vivo
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This study was done to use near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to bring out differences in the anatomical substructures in the rat spinal cord and further to differentiate scattering between demyelinated and normal sciatic nerves in rat models, thereby exploring a new methodology to localize MS (multiple Sclerosis) lesions in vivo for animal studies. The experimental setup consisted of a tungsten light source, CCD array spectrometer, and bifurcated optical fibers for light delivery and detection of back scattered light from tissue. The measurement system was calibrated with reflectance standard. The spinal cord of 14 rats was exposed by laminectomy, and the measurements were taken on 8 points at intervals of 1 mm on the right and left lumbar-sacral regions and the central blood vessel. For measurements on the sciatic nerve, the spinal nerves of 84 rats were ligated according to the Chung Model. Measurements were taken on five points on both the ligated and the control nerve side after 1, 4, 7 and 14 days. The reduced scattering coefficient, μs', was found to be higher in the lumbar-sacral regions (34.17 ± 2.05 cm-1) than that near the central blood vessel (19.9 ± 3.8 cm-1). Statistically, there was significant difference in scattering between the control side and the ligated side on postoperative days 4, 7, and 14. This study shows a promising diagnostic value in the future for monitoring of demyelinated CNS (central nervous system) diseases, like Multiple Sclerosis.
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Harsha Radhakrishnan, Arun Senapati, Yuan Bo Peng, Dheerendra Kashyap, and Hanli Liu "Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy as a novel method to detect demyelination in rat sciatic nerve in vivo", Proc. SPIE 5686, Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics, (25 April 2005); Logo
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Light scattering

Spinal cord


Blood vessels


Near infrared

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