24 August 2005 Ultraviolet spectroscopy of solar energetic particle source regions
J. L. Kohl, S. Cranmer, R. Esser, L. D. Gardner, S. Fineschi, J. Lin, A. Panasyuk, J. C. Raymond, L. Strachan
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A problem of fundamental importance for future space travel to the Moon and Mars is the determination and prediction of the radiation environment generated by the Sun. The sources of solar energetic particles (SEP) and the physical processes associated with their acceleration and propagation are not well understood. Ultraviolet coronagraphic spectroscopy uniquely has the capabilities for determining the detailed plasma properties of the likely source regions of such particles. This information can be used to develop empirical models of the source regions for specific events, and it can provide the key information needed to identify and understand the physical processes that produce SEP hazards. UVCS/SOHO observations have provided the first detailed diagnostics of the plasma parameters of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the extended corona. These observations have provided new insights into the roles of shock waves, reconnection and magnetic helicity in CME eruptions. Next generation ultraviolet coronagraph spectrometers could provide additional diagnostic capabilities. This paper summarizes past observations, and discusses the diagnostic potential of advanced ultraviolet coronagraphic spectroscopy for characterizing two possible sites of SEP production: CME shocks and reconnection current sheets.
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J. L. Kohl, S. Cranmer, R. Esser, L. D. Gardner, S. Fineschi, J. Lin, A. Panasyuk, J. C. Raymond, and L. Strachan "Ultraviolet spectroscopy of solar energetic particle source regions", Proc. SPIE 5901, Solar Physics and Space Weather Instrumentation, 590111 (24 August 2005);
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