14 October 2005 Technological challenges in designing, manufacturing, and testing the optical subassembly of Herschel/HIFI wide band spectrometer
M. Barilli, G. Basile, C. Gal, E. Natale, R. Schieder, O. Siebertz
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In this paper, the design, manufacturing and testing of the optical subassembly specifically tailored for the acousto-optical Wide Band Spectrometer (WBS), subsystem of HIFI (Heterodyne Instrument for Herschel), is presented. The WBS optical sub assembly consists of a laser source module with two collimated lasers and a prism beamsplitter, and imaging optic modules. The light source is a near-infrared laserdiode operating at 785 nm. The outgoing beam from the collimating unit is elliptical with 8 mm width and splitted by a prism device into four beams. The quadruplets are focussed in the vertical direction by means of a cylindrical element thus achieving a four "sticks" like focussed pattern in an intermediate focus where the acoustic channels of a Bragg cell are positioned. A combination of scanoptic and cylindrical lens is used to image the deflected light on a four line linear CCD. The laser source unit has been designed to operate under paraxial working conditions. Despite the conceptually simple optical configuration, the system has represented a technological challenge, being of the order of few micrometres the integration scale for the optics and for the tight tolerance set requested in terms of degree of collimation and for the alignment precisions and stabilities over a wide range of temperatures and other environmental conditions.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
M. Barilli, G. Basile, C. Gal, E. Natale, R. Schieder, and O. Siebertz "Technological challenges in designing, manufacturing, and testing the optical subassembly of Herschel/HIFI wide band spectrometer", Proc. SPIE 5962, Optical Design and Engineering II, 59621X (14 October 2005);
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Optics manufacturing

Beam splitters


Bragg cells

Charge-coupled devices


Channel projecting optics

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