27 February 2006 Infrared spectroscopy: a novel tool to aid classification of DCIS
K. Subramanian, N. Stone, C. Kendall, J. C. Brown, K. McCarthy, J. Bristol, Y. H. Chan
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There is no universally accepted grading system for the classification of Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) although the diagnosis of DCIS has increased (2-20%) with screening mammography. (1) At present there are more than six different classifications and grading systems. Infrared spectroscopy is a non-invasive, rapid and specific technique used to analyse biological tissue. Spectral analysis of the chemical fingerprint within the duct would reveal spectral differences according to absorption and transmission characteristics of different grades of DCIS. An existing model of histopathological classification which is locally accepted has been tested and evaluated in this study. 19 ducts from different biopsy specimens were marked on H&E stained sections by two breast pathologists, according to the locally accepted classification. A consecutive unstained 20μm section was subjected to infrared analysis (Perkin-Elmer). Principal component analysis was undertaken using Matlab. Pseudocolor maps of the principal component scores delineated morphological features of the ducts. Peaks in the corresponding principal component loads were identified to enable understanding of the biochemical changes associated with different grades of DCIS. A 4-group cross-validated classification model was developed using multivariate statistical analysis with selected spectra from different grades of DCIS. The classification model demonstrated good separation of the different grades of the DCIS with a sensitivity of 80-99% and specificity of 92-98%. Infrared spectroscopy is a highly sensitive and specific technique for the demonstration of biochemical changes within the proliferative duct. It could aid in reclassifying the grades of DCIS in accordance with the biochemical and morphological changes that occur with proliferation. Infrared spectroscopy has potential as an added tool for the pathologist to diagnose in vitro.
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K. Subramanian, N. Stone, C. Kendall, J. C. Brown, K. McCarthy, J. Bristol, and Y. H. Chan "Infrared spectroscopy: a novel tool to aid classification of DCIS", Proc. SPIE 6093, Biomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy III: Advances in Research and Industry, 60930J (27 February 2006);
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Infrared spectroscopy



Infrared radiation

Tumor growth modeling

Tissue optics


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