16 March 2006 Building an IT healthcare enterprise by taking the standards to the limits and sometimes beyond that
Mikael Wintell, Lars Lindsköld, Staffan Gustafsson, Nino da Silva
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This paper describes a regional approach to build a healthcare infrastructure beginning with radiology for all radiological information from 17 different radiology clinics in different geographic locations throughout the Vastra Gotalands region in the western part of Sweden. The focus will be to use healthcare standards to make this infrastructure work between different vendors of expert system for the healthcare. Many of the standards and initiatives such as IHE, HL7, DICOM, kith-XML, VG-XML and more are providing solution to part or whole of the different needs and possibilities in healthcare today. One of the key things is that this solution also handles the conversion of reports and other applicable data from proprietary RIS format or HL7 2.5 to XML to SR object, which it stores on the large-scale archive provided by the main contractor. The project tries to achieve an IT Healthcare Enterprise based on the IHE approach. The producers of the healthcare information stored in the central archive are forced to follow the information model, created by the region (technical framework), based on the worldwide standards data models DICOM and HL7. Opportunities for changing in work roles and work practices are also mentioned. These changes influence communication, information and work flow and create new possibilities and new risks for the user of this infrastructure.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Mikael Wintell, Lars Lindsköld, Staffan Gustafsson, and Nino da Silva "Building an IT healthcare enterprise by taking the standards to the limits and sometimes beyond that", Proc. SPIE 6145, Medical Imaging 2006: PACS and Imaging Informatics, 61450O (16 March 2006);
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