18 April 2006 Elastic band gaps for surface modes in an ultrasonic lithium niobate phononic crystal
S. Benchabane, A. Khelif, L. Robert, J. Y. Rauch, T. Pastureaud, V. Laude
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If a number of experiments aiming at demonstrating fundamental properties of phononic crystals have been successfully implemented, a need for enlarging both the research and the application fields of these structures has more recently risen. Surface acoustic waves appear as appealing candidates to set a new ground for illustrative experiments involving some different physical concepts from those usually observed when dealing with bulk waves. The possibility of a direct excitation of these surface waves on a piezoelectric material, and their already extensive use in ultrasonics also make them an interesting basis for phononic crystal based, acoustic signal processing devices. In this work, wave propagation in a square lattice, piezoelectric phononic crystal consisting of air holes etched in a lithium niobate matrix is both theoretically and experimentally investigated. The crystal was fabricated by reactive ion etching of a bulk lithium niobate substrate. Standard interdigital transducers were used to characterize the phononic structure by direct electrical generation and detection of surface waves. A full band gap around 200 MHz was experimentally demonstrated, and close agreement is found with theoretical predictions.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
S. Benchabane, A. Khelif, L. Robert, J. Y. Rauch, T. Pastureaud, and V. Laude "Elastic band gaps for surface modes in an ultrasonic lithium niobate phononic crystal", Proc. SPIE 6182, Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices III (i.e. V), 618216 (18 April 2006); Logo
Cited by 14 scholarly publications and 5 patents.
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Wave propagation

Lithium niobate


Photonic crystals


Reactive ion etching


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