13 March 2007 Multi-source inverse geometry CT: a new system concept for x-ray computed tomography
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Third-generation CT architectures are approaching fundamental limits. Spatial resolution is limited by the focal spot size and the detector cell size. Temporal resolution is limited by mechanical constraints on gantry rotation speed, and alternative geometries such as electron-beam CT and two-tube-two-detector CT come with severe tradeoffs in terms of image quality, dose-efficiency and complexity. Image noise is fundamentally linked to patient dose, and dose-efficiency is limited by finite detector efficiency and by limited spatio-temporal control over the X-ray flux. Finally, volumetric coverage is limited by detector size, scattered radiation, conebeam artifacts, Heel effect, and helical over-scan. We propose a new concept, multi-source inverse geometry CT, which allows CT to break through several of the above limitations. The proposed architecture has several advantages compared to third-generation CT: the detector is small and can have a high detection efficiency, the optical spot size is more consistent throughout the field-of-view, scatter is minimized even when eliminating the anti-scatter grid, the X-ray flux from each source can be modulated independently to achieve an optimal noise-dose tradeoff, and the geometry offers unlimited coverage without cone-beam artifacts. In this work we demonstrate the advantages of multi-source inverse geometry CT using computer simulations.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Bruno De Man, Samit Basu, Dirk Bequé, Bernhard Claus, Peter Edic, Maria Iatrou, James LeBlanc, Bob Senzig, Richard Thompson, Mark Vermilyea, Colin Wilson, Zhye Yin, and Norbert Pelc "Multi-source inverse geometry CT: a new system concept for x-ray computed tomography", Proc. SPIE 6510, Medical Imaging 2007: Physics of Medical Imaging, 65100H (13 March 2007); Logo
Cited by 35 scholarly publications.
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X-ray computed tomography


X-ray detectors

Image quality

Reconstruction algorithms

Spatial resolution


DQE simulation of a-Se x-ray detectors using ARTEMIS
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