7 March 2007 Video and LAN solutions for a digital OR: the Varese experience
Umberto Nocco, Eugenio Cocozza, Monica Sivo, Giancarlo Peta
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Purpose: build 20 ORs equipped with independent video acquisition and broadcasting systems and a powerful LAN connectivity. Methods: a digital PC controlled video matrix has been installed in each OR. The LAN connectivity has been developed to grant data entering the OR and high speed connectivity to a server and to broadcasting devices. Video signals are broadcasted within the OR. Fixed inputs and five additional video inputs have been placed in the OR. Images can be stored locally on a high capacity HDD and a DVD recorder. Images can be also stored in a central archive for future acquisition and reference. Ethernet plugs have been placed within the OR to acquire images and data from the Hospital LAN; the OR is connected to the server/archive using a dedicated optical fiber. Results: 20 independent digital ORs have been built. Each OR is "self contained" and images can be digitally managed and broadcasted. Security issues concerning both image visualization and electrical safety have been fulfilled and each OR is fully integrated in the Hospital LAN. Conclusions: Digital ORs were fully implemented, they fulfill surgeons needs in terms of video acquisition and distribution and grant high quality video for each kind of surgery in a major hospital.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Umberto Nocco, Eugenio Cocozza, Monica Sivo, and Giancarlo Peta "Video and LAN solutions for a digital OR: the Varese experience", Proc. SPIE 6516, Medical Imaging 2007: PACS and Imaging Informatics, 651605 (7 March 2007); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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