14 May 2007 Characterization of inverse SRAF for active layer trenches on 45-nm node
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Patterning isolated trenches for bright field layers such as the active layer has always been difficult for lithographers. This patterning is even more challenging for advanced technologies such as the 45-nm node where most of the process optimization is done for minimum pitch dense lines. Similar to the use of scattering-bars to assist isolated lines structures, we can use inverse Sub Resolution Assist Features (SRAF) to assist the patterning of isolated trenches structures. Full characterization studies on the C45 Active layer demonstrate the benefits and potential issues of this technique: Screen Inverse SRAF parameters (size, distance to main feature) utilizing optical simulation; Verify simulation predictions and ensure sufficient improvement in Depth of Focus and Exposure latitude with silicon process window analysis; Define Inverse SRAF OPC generation script parameters and validate, with accurate on silicon, measurement characterization of specific test patterns; Maskshop manufacturability through CD measurements and inspection capability. Finally, initial silicon results from a 45nm mask are given with suggestions for additional optimization of inverse SRAF for trenches.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jean-Christophe Urbani, Jean-Damien Chapon, Jérôme Belledent, Amandine Borjon, Christophe Couderc, Jean-Luc Di-Maria, Vincent Farys, Franck Foussadier, Christian Gardin, Gurwan Kerrien, Laurent LeCam, Catherine Martinelli, Patrick Montgomery, Nicolo Morgana, Jonathan Planchot, Frédéric Robert, Yves Rody, Mazen Saied, Frank Sundermann, Yorick Trouiller, Florent Vautrin, Bill Wilkinson, and Emek Yesilada "Characterization of inverse SRAF for active layer trenches on 45-nm node", Proc. SPIE 6607, Photomask and Next-Generation Lithography Mask Technology XIV, 66071C (14 May 2007); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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