13 March 2008 Bioactivation of water-soluble peptidic quantum dot through biotin-streptavidin binding
A. Dif, S. Touchet, S. Nagarajan, M. Baudy-Floc'h, M. Dahan, J. Piehler, V. Marchi-Artzner
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This paper describes the preparation of bioactive water-soluble fluorescent CdSe/ZnS semi-conductor quantum dots with a small hydrodynamic diameter of 10 nm. These quantum dots are functionalized with a biotinylated peptide that can be introduced at different ratios onto the surface of the quantum dots. Their ability to bind to streptavidin in solution is tested by using gel electrophoresis and fluorescence resonance energy transfer with a fluorescent labeled-streptavidin. The binding of these quantum dots to Agarose micrometric beads coated with streptavidin is also analyzed by fluorescent optical microscopy. A synthetic pegylated peptide is successfully used to prevent the non specific adsorption of streptavidin onto the quantum dots. A specific binding to the streptavidin results in the formation of a very stable streptavidin-quantum dot complex without any significant aggregation. The average number of streptavidin per quantum dot is found to be to 4 at the most. Such bioactivate quantum dots can be further conjugated to any biotinylated biomolecule and used in biological medium.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
A. Dif, S. Touchet, S. Nagarajan, M. Baudy-Floc'h, M. Dahan, J. Piehler, and V. Marchi-Artzner "Bioactivation of water-soluble peptidic quantum dot through biotin-streptavidin binding", Proc. SPIE 6866, Colloidal Quantum Dots for Biomedical Applications III, 68660L (13 March 2008);
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Quantum dots



Fluorescence resonance energy transfer




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