A barrier photodetector is a device in which the light is absorbed in a narrow bandgap semiconductor layer whose bands
remain essentially flat or accumulated at the operating bias so that all carrier depletion is excluded. In a conventional
photodiode below a threshold temperature T0, typically 130-150K for MWIR devices, the dark current is due to
Generation-Recombination (G-R) centres in the depletion layer. In a barrier detector, the absence of depletion in the
narrow bandgap semiconductor ensures that the G-R contribution to the dark current is negligible. The dark current in
the barrier detector is thus dominated by the diffusion component, both above and below T0. Therefore, at a given
temperature below T0, a barrier detector will exhibit a lower dark current than a conventional photodiode with the same cut-off wavelength. Alternatively, for a given dark current, a barrier detector will operate at a higher temperature than a
conventional photodiode, provided that this temperature is below T0. Device architectures are presented for barrier
detectors with photon absorbing layers based on InAs1-xSbx alloys and type-II InAs/GaSb superlattices (T2SL). The thermionic and tunneling components of the dark current are analyzed and shown to be negligible for typical device
parameters. An operating temperature of ~150K is estimated for a MWIR barrier detector with f/3 optics and a cut-off
wavelength of 4.2μ.