17 April 2008 Waterway wide area tactical coverage and homing (WaterWATCH) program overview
Gerald Driggers, Tammy Cleveland, Lisa Araujo, Robert Spohr, Mark Umansky
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The Congressional and Army sponsored WaterWATCHTM Program has developed and demonstrated a fully integrated shallow water port and facility monitoring system. It provides fully automated monitoring of domains above and below the surface of the water using primarily off-the-shelf sensors and software. The system is modular, open architecture and IP based, and elements can be mixed and matched to adapt to specific applications. The sensors integrated into the WaterWATCHTM system include cameras, radar, passive and active sonar, and various motion detectors. The sensors were chosen based on extensive requirements analyses and tradeoffs. Descriptions of the system and individual sensors are provided, along with data from modular and system level testing. Camera test results address capabilities and limitations associated with using "smart" image analysis software with stressing environmental issues such as bugs, darkness, rain and snow. Radar issues addressed include achieving range and resolution requirements. The passive sonar capability to provide near 100% true positives with zero false positives is demonstrated. Testing results are also presented to show that inexpensive active sonar can be effective against divers with or without SCUBA gear and that false alarms due to fish can be minimized. A simple operator interface has also been demonstrated.
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Gerald Driggers, Tammy Cleveland, Lisa Araujo, Robert Spohr, and Mark Umansky "Waterway wide area tactical coverage and homing (WaterWATCH) program overview", Proc. SPIE 6943, Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense VII, 69430W (17 April 2008);
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