3 April 2008 Fast massive preventive security and information communication systems
David Akopian, Philip Chen, Susheel Miryakar, Abhinav Kumar
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We present a fast massive information communication system for data collection from distributive sources such as cell phone users. As a very important application one can mention preventive notification systems when timely notification and evidence communication may help to improve safety and security through wide public involvement by ensuring easy-to-access and easy-to-communicate information systems. The technology significantly simplifies the response to the events and will help e.g. special agencies to gather crucial information in time and respond as quickly as possible. Cellular phones are nowadays affordable for most of the residents and became a common personal accessory. The paper describes several ways to design such systems including existing internet access capabilities of cell phones or downloadable specialized software. We provide examples of such designs. The main idea is in structuring information in predetermined way and communicating data through a centralized gate-server which will automatically process information and forward it to a proper destination. The gate-server eliminates a need in knowing contact data and specific local community infrastructure. All the cell phones will have self-localizing capability according to FCC E911 mandate, thus the communicated information can be further tagged automatically by location and time information.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
David Akopian, Philip Chen, Susheel Miryakar, and Abhinav Kumar "Fast massive preventive security and information communication systems", Proc. SPIE 6982, Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, Security, and Applications 2008, 69820Y (3 April 2008); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Cell phones

Data communications

Information security



Computer security


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