15 July 2008 Recent developments in transition-edge strip detectors for solar x-rays
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LMSAL and NIST are developing position-sensitive x-ray strip detectors based on Transition Edge Sensor (TES) microcalorimeters optimized for solar physics. By combining high spectral (E/ΔE ~1600) and temporal (single photon Δt ~10μs) resolutions with imaging capabilities, these devices will be able to study high-temperature (>10 MK) x-ray lines as never before. Diagnostics from these lines should provide significant new insight into the physics of both microflares and the early stages of flares. Previously, the large size of traditional TESs, along with the heat loads associated with wiring large arrays, presented obstacles to using these cryogenic detectors for solar missions. Implementing strip detector technology at small scales, however, addresses both issues: here, a line of substantially smaller effective pixels requires only two TESs, decreasing both the total array size and the wiring requirements for the same spatial resolution. Early results show energy resolutions of Δ ΕFWHM ~30eV and spatial resolutions of ~10-15 μm, suggesting the strip-detector concept is viable.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Adam J. Rausch, Steven W. Deiker, Gene Hilton, Kent D. Irwin, Dennis S. Martinez-Galarce, Lawrence Shing, Robert A. Stern, Joel N. Ullom, and Leila R Vale "Recent developments in transition-edge strip detectors for solar x-rays", Proc. SPIE 7011, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 70113T (15 July 2008); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Spatial resolution

Solar energy

X-ray detectors




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