15 July 2008 Preliminary design of the post focal relay of the MCAO module for the E-ELT
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MAORY, the multi-conjugate adaptive optics module for the E-ELT, is supposed to be placed in one of the two Nasmyth platforms of the telescope, re-imaging the focal plane with a diffraction limited image quality. The requested operating wavelength is from 0.6 to 2.4μm with a high throughput. The module will include a natural guide stars wave front sensor (NGS WFS) and a laser guide stars WFS (LGS WFS) and will feed at least two scientific instruments with a corrected field of view up to 2 arcmin, providing a mechanical de-rotation for the light instruments attached (< 4tons). We present below a preliminary optical design of the post focal relay taking count of the required performance. A particular attention is paid to the critical aspects such as the pupil de-rotation, the light splitting between the WFSs and the scientific channel and the deformable mirrors (DMs) optical parameters and dimensioning.
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Matteo Lombini, Emiliano Diolaiti, Italo Foppiani, Laura Schreiber, Enrico Marchetti, and Bernard Delabre "Preliminary design of the post focal relay of the MCAO module for the E-ELT", Proc. SPIE 7015, Adaptive Optics Systems, 70155U (15 July 2008); Logo
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Optical design

Space telescopes


Adaptive optics


ESO adaptive optics facility
Proceedings of SPIE (July 10 2008)
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