25 July 2008 Diamond-machined ZnSe immersion grating for NIR high-resolution spectroscopy
Yuji Ikeda, Naoto Kobayashi, Paul J. Kuzmenko, Steve L. Little, Chikako Yasui, Sohei Kondo, Atsushi Minami, Kentaro Motohara
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ZnSe immersion gratings (n ~ 2.45) provide the possibility of high-resolution spectroscopy for the near-infrared (NIR) region. Since ZnSe has a lower internal attenuation than other NIR materials, it is most suitable for immersion grating, particularly in short NIR region (0.8 - 1.4 μm). We are developing an extremely high-resolution spectrograph with λ/Δλ = 100, 000, WINERED, customized for the short NIR region, using ZnSe (or ZnS) immersion grating. However, it had been very difficult to make fine grooves on ZnSe substrate with a small pitch of less than 50 μm because ZnSe is a soft/brittle material. We have overcome this problem and successfully machined sharp grooves with fine pitch on ZnSe substrates by nano precision fly-cutting technique at LLNL. The optical testing of the sample grating with HeNe laser shows an excellent performance: the relative efficiency more than 87.4 % at 0.633 μm for a classical grating configuration. The diffraction efficiency when used as an immersion grating is estimated to be more than 65 % at 1μm. Following this progress, we are about to start machining a grating on a large ZnSe prism with an entrance aperture of 23mm × 50mm and the blaze angle of 70°.
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Yuji Ikeda, Naoto Kobayashi, Paul J. Kuzmenko, Steve L. Little, Chikako Yasui, Sohei Kondo, Atsushi Minami, and Kentaro Motohara "Diamond-machined ZnSe immersion grating for NIR high-resolution spectroscopy", Proc. SPIE 7018, Advanced Optical and Mechanical Technologies in Telescopes and Instrumentation, 70184R (25 July 2008); Logo
Cited by 7 scholarly publications.
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Near infrared


Diffraction gratings

Signal attenuation

Light scattering




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