3 September 2008 Novel embossed radiography system utilizing energy subtraction
Akihiro Osawa, Eiichi Sato, Hiroshi Matsukiyo, Toshiyuki Enomoto, Manabu Watanabe, Jiro Nagao, Purkhet Abderyim, Etsuro Tanaka, Mitsuru Izumisawa, Akira Ogawa, Shigehiro Sato
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Digital subtraction is useful for carrying out embossed radiography by shifting an x-ray source, and energy subtraction is an important technique for imaging target region by deleting unnecessary region in vivo. X-ray generator had a 100-μm-focus tube, energy subtraction was performed at tube voltages of 40 and 60 kV, and a 3.0-mm-thick aluminum filter was used to absorb low-photon-energy bremsstrahlung x-rays. Embossed radiography was achieved with cohesion imaging using a flat panel detector (FPD) with pixel sizes of 48×48 μm, and the shifting distance of the x-ray source in horizontal direction and the distance between the x-ray source and the FPD face were 5.0 mm and 1.0 m, respectively. At a tube voltage of 60 kV and a tube current of 0.50 mA, x-ray intensities without filtering and with filtering were 307 and 28.4 μGy/s, respectively, at 1.0 m from the source. In embossed radiography of non-living animals, the spatial resolution measured using a lead test chart was approximately 70 μm, and we observed embossed images of fine bones, soft tissues, and coronary arteries of approximately 100 μm.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Akihiro Osawa, Eiichi Sato, Hiroshi Matsukiyo, Toshiyuki Enomoto, Manabu Watanabe, Jiro Nagao, Purkhet Abderyim, Etsuro Tanaka, Mitsuru Izumisawa, Akira Ogawa, and Shigehiro Sato "Novel embossed radiography system utilizing energy subtraction", Proc. SPIE 7080, Penetrating Radiation Systems and Applications IX, 708003 (3 September 2008); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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X-ray sources

Spatial resolution

X-ray imaging




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