17 October 2008 Enhancing OPC model stability and predictability using SEM image contours
Mohamed Serag El-Din Habib
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The process model is a major factor affecting the quality of the Model Based Optical Proximity Correction (OPC). Better process model directly leads to better OPC, hence better yield and more profit. While the traditional way in calibrating these process models is using CD measurements at sample locations in the test chip, however, the use of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) image contours for process model calibration and optimization has been recently introduced in trial to build more predictable models. In this study, we characterize the traditional flow models versus the contour calibrated models and study the effect of using different combinations and weighting schemes on the quality of the resulting process models, its stability and its ability to correctly predict the process.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Mohamed Serag El-Din Habib "Enhancing OPC model stability and predictability using SEM image contours", Proc. SPIE 7122, Photomask Technology 2008, 712244 (17 October 2008);
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Process modeling


Scanning electron microscopy

Image processing

Optical proximity correction

Data modeling

Optical calibration

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