12 March 2009 Optimization of exposure index values for the antero-posterior pelvis and antero-posterior knee examination
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Introduction The American Association of Medical Physicists is currently standardizing the exposure index (EI) value. Recent studies have questioned whether the EI value offered by manufacturers is optimal. This current work establishes optimum EIs for the antero-posterior (AP) projections of a pelvis and knee on a Carestream Health (Kodak) CR system and compares these with manufacturers recommended EI values from a patient dose and image quality perspective. Methodology Human cadavers were used to produce images of clinically relevant standards. Several exposures were taken to achieve various EI values and corresponding entrance surface doses (ESD) were measured using thermoluminescent dosimeters. Image quality was assessed by 5 experienced clinicians using anatomical criteria judged against a reference image. Visualization of image specific common abnormalities was also analyzed to establish diagnostic efficacy. Results A rise in ESD for both examinations, consistent with increasing EI was shown. Anatomic image quality was deemed to be acceptable at an EI of 1560 for the AP pelvis and 1590 for the AP knee. From manufacturers recommended values, a significant reduction in ESD (p=0.02) of 38% and 33% for the pelvis and knee respectively was noted. Initial pathological analysis suggests that diagnostic efficacy at lower EI values may be projection-specific. Conclusion The data in this study emphasize the need for clinical centres to consider establishing their own EI guidelines, and not necessarily relying on manufacturers recommendations. Normal and abnormal images must be used in this process.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
M. L. Butler, L. Rainford, J. Last, and P. C. Brennan "Optimization of exposure index values for the antero-posterior pelvis and antero-posterior knee examination", Proc. SPIE 7263, Medical Imaging 2009: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, 726302 (12 March 2009); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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