As lithography mask processes move toward 45nm and 32nm node, mask complexity increases steadily, mask specifications tighten and process control becomes extremely important. Driven by this fact the requirements for metrology tools increase as well. Efforts in metrology have been focused on accurately measuring CD linearity and uniformity across the mask, and accurately measuring phase variation on Alternating/Attenuated PSM and transmission for Attenuated PSM.
CD control on photo masks is usually done through the following processes: exposure dose/focus change, resist develop and dry etch. The key requirement is to maintain correct CD linearity and uniformity across the mask. For PSM specifically, the effect of CD uniformity for both Alternating PSM and Attenuated PSM and etch depth for Alternating PSM becomes also important. So far phase measurement has been limited to either measuring large-feature phase using interferometer-based metrology tools or measuring etch depth using AFM and converting etch depth into phase under the assumption that trench profile and optical properties of the layers remain constant. However recent investigations show that the trench profile and optical property of layers impact the phase. This effect is getting larger for smaller CD's. The currently used phase measurement methods run into limitations because they are not able to capture 3D mask effects, diffraction limitations or polarization effects. The new phase metrology system - Phame(R) developed by Carl Zeiss SMS overcomes those limitations and enables laterally resolved phase measurement in any kind of production feature on the mask. The resolution of the system goes down to 120nm half pitch at mask level.
We will report on tool performance data with respect to static and dynamic phase repeatability focusing on Alternating PSM. Furthermore the phase metrology system was used to investigate mask process signatures on Alternating PSM in order to further improve the overall PSM process performance. Especially global loading effects caused by the pattern density and micro loading effects caused by the feature size itself have been evaluated using the capability of measuring phase in the small production features. The results of this study will be reported in this paper.