29 December 2008 GSHR-Tree: a spatial index tree based on dynamic spatial slot and hash table in grid environments
Zhanlong Chen, Xin-cai Wu, Liang Wu
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Proceedings Volume 7285, International Conference on Earth Observation Data Processing and Analysis (ICEODPA); 728539 (2008)
Event: International Conference on Earth Observation Data Processing and Analysis, 2008, Wuhan, China
Computation Grids enable the coordinated sharing of large-scale distributed heterogeneous computing resources that can be used to solve computationally intensive problems in science, engineering, and commerce. Grid spatial applications are made possible by high-speed networks and a new generation of Grid middleware that resides between networks and traditional GIS applications. The integration of the multi-sources and heterogeneous spatial information and the management of the distributed spatial resources and the sharing and cooperative of the spatial data and Grid services are the key problems to resolve in the development of the Grid GIS. The performance of the spatial index mechanism is the key technology of the Grid GIS and spatial database affects the holistic performance of the GIS in Grid Environments. In order to improve the efficiency of parallel processing of a spatial mass data under the distributed parallel computing grid environment, this paper presents a new grid slot hash parallel spatial index GSHR-Tree structure established in the parallel spatial indexing mechanism. Based on the hash table and dynamic spatial slot, this paper has improved the structure of the classical parallel R tree index. The GSHR-Tree index makes full use of the good qualities of R-Tree and hash data structure. This paper has constructed a new parallel spatial index that can meet the needs of parallel grid computing about the magnanimous spatial data in the distributed network. This arithmetic splits space in to multi-slots by multiplying and reverting and maps these slots to sites in distributed and parallel system. Each sites constructs the spatial objects in its spatial slot into an R tree. On the basis of this tree structure, the index data was distributed among multiple nodes in the grid networks by using large node R-tree method. The unbalance during process can be quickly adjusted by means of a dynamical adjusting algorithm. This tree structure has considered the distributed operation, reduplication operation transfer operation of spatial index in the grid environment. The design of GSHR-Tree has ensured the performance of the load balance in the parallel computation. This tree structure is fit for the parallel process of the spatial information in the distributed network environments. Instead of spatial object's recursive comparison where original R tree has been used, the algorithm builds the spatial index by applying binary code operation in which computer runs more efficiently, and extended dynamic hash code for bit comparison. In GSHR-Tree, a new server is assigned to the network whenever a split of a full node is required. We describe a more flexible allocation protocol which copes with a temporary shortage of storage resources. It uses a distributed balanced binary spatial tree that scales with insertions to potentially any number of storage servers through splits of the overloaded ones. The application manipulates the GSHR-Tree structure from a node in the grid environment. The node addresses the tree through its image that the splits can make outdated. This may generate addressing errors, solved by the forwarding among the servers. In this paper, a spatial index data distribution algorithm that limits the number of servers has been proposed. We improve the storage utilization at the cost of additional messages. The structure of GSHR-Tree is believed that the scheme of this grid spatial index should fit the needs of new applications using endlessly larger sets of spatial data. Our proposal constitutes a flexible storage allocation method for a distributed spatial index. The insertion policy can be tuned dynamically to cope with periods of storage shortage. In such cases storage balancing should be favored for better space utilization, at the price of extra message exchanges between servers. This structure makes a compromise in the updating of the duplicated index and the transformation of the spatial index data. Meeting the needs of the grid computing, GSHRTree has a flexible structure in order to satisfy new needs in the future. The GSHR-Tree provides the R-tree capabilities for large spatial datasets stored over interconnected servers. The analysis, including the experiments, confirmed the efficiency of our design choices. The scheme should fit the needs of new applications of spatial data, using endlessly larger datasets. Using the system response time of the parallel processing of spatial scope query algorithm as the performance evaluation factor, According to the result of the simulated the experiments, GSHR-Tree is performed to prove the reasonable design and the high performance of the indexing structure that the paper presented.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Zhanlong Chen, Xin-cai Wu, and Liang Wu "GSHR-Tree: a spatial index tree based on dynamic spatial slot and hash table in grid environments", Proc. SPIE 7285, International Conference on Earth Observation Data Processing and Analysis (ICEODPA), 728539 (29 December 2008);
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