13 July 2009 Rapid skin profiling with non-contact full-field optical coherence tomography: study of patients with diabetes mellitus type I
P. Zakharov, M. S. Talary, I. Kolm, A. Caduff
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The application of the full-field optical coherence tomography (OCT) microscope to the characterisation of skin morphology is described. An automated procedure for analysis and interpretation of the OCT data has been developed which provides measures of the laterally averaged depth profiles of the skin reflectance. The skin at the dorsal side of the upper arm of 22 patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus has been characterised in a non-contact way. The OCT signal profile was compared with the optical histological data obtained with a commercial confocal microscope (CM). The highest correlation to the epidermal thickness (ET) obtained using CM was found for the distance from the entrance OCT peak to the first minimum of the reflection profile (R2=0.657, p<0.0001). The distance to the second OCT reflection peak was found to be less correlated to ET (R2=0.403, p=0.0009). A further analysis was undertaken to explore the relation between the subjects' demographical data and the OCT reflection profile. The distance to the second OCT peak demonstrated a correlation with a marginal statistical significance for the body-mass index (positive correlation with p=0.01) and age (negative correlation with p=0.062). At the same time the amplitude of the OCT signal, when compensated for signal attenuation with depth, is negatively correlated with age (p<0.0002). We suggest that this may be an effect of photo degradation of the dermal collagen. In the patient population studied, no relation could be determined between the measured skin morphology and the duration of diabetes or concentration of glycated haemoglobin in the blood.
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P. Zakharov, M. S. Talary, I. Kolm, and A. Caduff "Rapid skin profiling with non-contact full-field optical coherence tomography: study of patients with diabetes mellitus type I", Proc. SPIE 7372, Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Techniques IV, 73720G (13 July 2009); Logo
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Optical coherence tomography



Signal attenuation

Brain-machine interfaces

Confocal microscopy


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