11 March 2010 Displaying Dicom-SR reports on non-SR aware radiology workstations
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In the Vastra Gotaland region (VGR) we use a Radiology Information Infrastructure containing all information produced within the Radiology departments (1,2,3). All information is stored as Dicom-objects (4). This means that request and report information is stored as Structured Reports (SR) -objects (5) together with the images if they exist. At Sahlgrenska University Hospital (SU) in Gothenburg, Sweden we have radiological workstations that can't display the contents in the SR-objects and have a working RIS-integration at the same time. We have developed some software in conjunction with the dcmtk-software package (6) developed by the Oldenburg University to make it possible to display information from SR-objects on the radiological workstations. The workstations have the ability to use Web-functionality so the solution is based on web-technology. The following happens when a request is made to display the SR-information: 1. Workstation calls a cgi-script that checks if the archive has any SR-reports for the given study. 2. A c-move request is sent to the archive to send the SR-objects (reports) to a Dicom-receiver on the web-server. 3. The dicom-receiver (storescp) creates html-files with help of a modified version of dsr2html. 4. The cgi-script read the names of the created html-files and returns the names in an javascript-array. 5. The report is displayed on the workstation. By developing some pieces of software and using open source software we have developed a well functional solution to display SR-reports stored in a central dicom-archive on workstations that can't show SR-information by themselves.
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G. Carlsson, M. Wintell, and L. Lindsköld "Displaying Dicom-SR reports on non-SR aware radiology workstations", Proc. SPIE 7628, Medical Imaging 2010: Advanced PACS-based Imaging Informatics and Therapeutic Applications, 762811 (11 March 2010);
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