22 March 2010 Assessing out-of-band flare effects at the wafer level for EUV lithography
Simi A. George, Patrick P. Naulleau, Charles D. Kemp, Paul E Denham, Senajith Rekawa
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To accurately estimate the flare contribution from the out-of-band (OOB), the integration of a DUV source into the SEMATECH Berkeley 0.3-NA Micro-field Exposure tool is proposed, enabling precisely controlled exposures along with the EUV patterning of resists in vacuum. First measurements evaluating the impact of bandwidth selected exposures with a table-top set-up and subsequent EUV patterning show significant impact on line-edge roughness and process performance. We outline a simulation-based method for computing the effective flare from resist sensitive wavelengths as a function of mask pattern types and sizes. This simulation method is benchmarked against measured OOB flare measurements and the results obtained are in agreement.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Simi A. George, Patrick P. Naulleau, Charles D. Kemp, Paul E Denham, and Senajith Rekawa "Assessing out-of-band flare effects at the wafer level for EUV lithography", Proc. SPIE 7636, Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography, 763626 (22 March 2010); Logo
Cited by 12 scholarly publications and 2 patents.
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Extreme ultraviolet


Line edge roughness

Extreme ultraviolet lithography

Optical lithography


Semiconducting wafers


Overview of extreme ultraviolet lithography
Proceedings of SPIE (December 07 1994)
Effect of SPM-based cleaning POR on EUV mask performance
Proceedings of SPIE (October 13 2011)
EUV masks under exposure: practical considerations
Proceedings of SPIE (April 05 2011)
Thorough characterization of an EUV mask
Proceedings of SPIE (May 11 2009)
Out of band radiation effects on resist patterning
Proceedings of SPIE (April 07 2011)

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