4 May 2010 Mechanical and optical properties of AFB YAG//YAG composites for waveguide lasers
Huai-Chuan Lee, Helmuth Meissner, Xiaodong Mu
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We report on the fracture toughness as it is related to the fracture strength when different orientations of YAG single crystals are bonded to each other to make a selection of a mechanically desirable waveguide configuration. We have found that the KIC (211//211) conforming twin is greater than KIC (110//110) conforming twin that is about the same as KIC of (111//111) twist 180° and flip 180° twins. All KIC converge to the same value that is comparable if not greater than the non-composite counterparts1 when the composite samples are fabricated using the standard AFBR (Adhesive- Free Bond) process. A second equally important consideration is the refractive index difference as function of dopant concentration. We have developed a technique to measure the difference of refractive index between Er:YAG and undoped YAG, and between Nd:YAG, and undoped YAG. We have found that the specific refractive index variation for YAG is 4.22 × 10-4 per 1% Nd dopant concentration, and is 2.08 × 10-4 per 1% Er dopant concentration.
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Huai-Chuan Lee, Helmuth Meissner, and Xiaodong Mu "Mechanical and optical properties of AFB YAG//YAG composites for waveguide lasers", Proc. SPIE 7686, Laser Technology for Defense and Security VI, 76860Z (4 May 2010);
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YAG lasers

Refractive index



Laser marking

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