26 May 2010 Evolution of etch profile and CD variation in maskmaking and SPT: simulations using TRAVIT software
Sergey Babin, Konstantin Bay
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Simulation of etch profiles and the variation of critical dimensions (CD) due to the etch process is an important task in maskmaking. The tolerance to CD variation is on the order of 1 nm, while etch itself can contribute a few nm if not properly corrected. Simulations of dry etch should compliment experiments in order to shorten process development time, optimize the etch process, and predict CD variation due to dry etch. TRAVIT software is described which considers multilayered substrates, the profile of the resist before etch, nonuniformity of materials throughout the thickness, GDS pattern, and etch effects like microtrenching, dispersion, and footing. The microloading effect that defines CD dependence on the pattern is also considered. The results of simulation include etched profiles at any time during the etch process and CDs of etched and remaining patterns. A new functionality was added to simulate complex technological processes such as MEMS etch and spacer patterning technology (SPT). Results regarding pattern density dependence on CD variation in chrome for dense lines, isolated lines, and spaces are presented. Optimization of CD variation and the placement error in SPT is also described.
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Sergey Babin and Konstantin Bay "Evolution of etch profile and CD variation in maskmaking and SPT: simulations using TRAVIT software", Proc. SPIE 7748, Photomask and Next-Generation Lithography Mask Technology XVII, 774813 (26 May 2010);
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Critical dimension metrology

Dry etching

Anisotropic etching



Optical lithography

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