25 May 2010 Evaluation of throughput improvement and character projection in multi-column-cell E-beam exposure system
Akio Yamada, Yoshihisa Oae, Tatsuro Okawa, Masahiro Takizawa, Masaki Yamabe
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In the Mask D2I project at ASET, the authors evaluated an e-beam multi column cell exposure system with character projection to expose photomask patterns of 65nm and 45nm node logic devices with OPC corrections. They prepared more than 2,000 characters in a deflection area of a character projection mask extracted from the 65nm node logic device pattern. The character projection in the multi column cell system could expose patterns equivalent to those by the conventional variable shaped beams. In a typical pattern layout of photomasks of 45nm node logic devices, the four column cell system required the exposure time of about 1/3 of the time required by a single column system. The character projection could reduce the exposure time corresponding to the reduction of shot counts. The pattern priorities also reduced the exposure time as the result of shot count reduction and minimizing wait time for deflection settling.
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Akio Yamada, Yoshihisa Oae, Tatsuro Okawa, Masahiro Takizawa, and Masaki Yamabe "Evaluation of throughput improvement and character projection in multi-column-cell E-beam exposure system", Proc. SPIE 7748, Photomask and Next-Generation Lithography Mask Technology XVII, 774816 (25 May 2010); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Logic devices

Beam shaping

Vestigial sideband modulation

Optical proximity correction

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