29 September 2010 Development of EB inspection system EBeyeM for EUV mask
Takashi Hirano, Shinji Yamaguchi, Masato Naka, Masamitsu Itoh, Motoki Kadowaki, Tooru Koike, Yuuichiro Yamazaki, Kenji Terao, Masahiro Hatakeyama, Hiroshi Sobukawa, Takeshi Murakami, Kiwamu Tsukamoto, Takehide Hayashi, Kenji Watanabe, Norio Kimura, Naoya Hayashi
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We are developing new electron beam inspection system, named EBeyeM, which features high speed and high resolution inspection for EUV mask. Because EBeyeM has the projection electron microscope technique, the scan time of EBeyeM is much faster than that of conventional SEM inspection system. We developed prototype of EBeyeM. The aim of prototype system is to prove the concept of EBeyeM and to estimate the specification of system for 2Xnm and 1Xnm EUV mask. In this paper, we describe outline of EBeyeM and performance results of the prototype system. This system has two inspection mode. One is particle inspection and the other is pattern defect inspection. As to the sensitivity of EBeyeM prototype system, the development target is 30nm for the particle inspection mode and 50nm for pattern defect inspection mode. The performance of this system was evaluated. We confirmed the particle inspection mode of the prototype system could detect 30nm PSL(Polystyrene Latex) and the sensitivity was much higher than conventional optical blank inspection system. And we confirmed that the pattern defect sensitivity of the prototype system was around 45nm. It was recognized that both particle inspection mode and pattern defect inspection mode met the development target. It was estimated by the performance results of the prototype system that the specification of EBeyeM would be able to achieve for 2Xnm EUV mask. As to 1Xnm EUV mask, we are considering tool concept to meet the specification.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Takashi Hirano, Shinji Yamaguchi, Masato Naka, Masamitsu Itoh, Motoki Kadowaki, Tooru Koike, Yuuichiro Yamazaki, Kenji Terao, Masahiro Hatakeyama, Hiroshi Sobukawa, Takeshi Murakami, Kiwamu Tsukamoto, Takehide Hayashi, Kenji Watanabe, Norio Kimura, and Naoya Hayashi "Development of EB inspection system EBeyeM for EUV mask", Proc. SPIE 7823, Photomask Technology 2010, 78232C (29 September 2010); Logo
Cited by 10 scholarly publications.
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Extreme ultraviolet





Optical inspection

Defect inspection


Study on EUV mask defect inspection with hp 16nm node...
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