3 February 2011 Spatio-temporal analysis and forward modeling of solar polar plumes in white light
A. Llebaria, O. Morillot, Y. Boursier, P. Lamy
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Proceedings Volume 7870, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems IX; 787009 (2011)
Event: IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2011, San Francisco Airport, California, United States
The analysis of the data provided by LASCO-C2 coronagraph onboard the SOHO spatial observatory revealed the fractal characteristics of many outstanding structures of the solar corona, which is the tiny but extended envelope of plasma wrapping the Sun. A multiscale analysis of recent image sequences has brought a clearer view of the evolution and the local structure of these features which results from a two steps projection process of the 2D electronic distribution over the Sun polar caps. To get an insight in the volume density distribution over these caps and their evolution within time, we used the forward modelling approach based on the present knowledge about the plasma distribution, the physical process of diffusion and the projection geometry on the field of view. The analysis provides us with the multifractal characterization of the observed phenomena. In the forward modelling process the goal is to reconstruct the time sequence of 2D electronic distributions slowly evolving over the Sun polar caps. We used different methodologies: the inverse Fourier transform of 2D+1D (surface and time) frequency modelling, the evolving multiscale synthesis with Gaussian wavelets and the concealed Markov approach. Lately a procedure derivate of the Voss generation schema of fBm fractals has been successfully developed. These different methods are compared and their relative advantages and drawbacks discussed.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
A. Llebaria, O. Morillot, Y. Boursier, and P. Lamy "Spatio-temporal analysis and forward modeling of solar polar plumes in white light", Proc. SPIE 7870, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems IX, 787009 (3 February 2011); Logo
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Fractal analysis



Image processing

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