18 February 2011 Visualization of microcalcifications using photoacoustic imaging: feasibility study
Tsai-Chu Hsiao, Po-Hsun Wang, Chih-Tai Fan, Yao-You Cheng, Meng-Lin Li
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Recently, photoacoustic imaging has been intensively studied for blood vessel imaging, and shown its capability of revealing vascular features suggestive of malignancy of breast cancer. In this study, we explore the feasibility of visualization of micro-calcifications using photoacoustic imaging. Breast micro-calcification is also known as one of the most important indicators for early breast cancer detection. The non-ionizing radiation and speckle free nature of photoacoustic imaging overcomes the drawbacks of current diagnostic tools - X-ray mammography and ultrasound imaging, respectively. We employed a 10-MHz photoacoustic imaging system to verify our idea. A sliced chicken breast phantom with granulated calcium hydroxyapatite (HA) - major chemical composition of the breast calcification associated with malignant breast cancers - embedded was imaged. With the near infared (NIR) laser excitation, it is shown that the distribution of ~500 μm HAs can be clearly imaged. In addition, photoacoustic signals from HAs rivals those of blood given an optimal NIR wavelength. In summary, photoacoustic imaging shows its promise for breast micro-calcification detection. Moreover, fusion of the photoacoustic and ultrasound images can reveal the location and distribution of micro-calcifications within anatomical landmarks of the breast tissue, which is clinically useful for biopsy and diagnosis of breast cancer staging.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tsai-Chu Hsiao, Po-Hsun Wang, Chih-Tai Fan, Yao-You Cheng, and Meng-Lin Li "Visualization of microcalcifications using photoacoustic imaging: feasibility study", Proc. SPIE 7899, Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2011, 78992U (18 February 2011); Logo
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Photoacoustic imaging



Breast cancer

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