11 March 2011 Level-set based vessel segmentation accelerated with periodic monotonic speed function
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Proceedings Volume 7962, Medical Imaging 2011: Image Processing; 79621M (2011)
Event: SPIE Medical Imaging, 2011, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, United States
To accelerate level-set based abdominal aorta segmentation on CTA data, we propose a periodic monotonic speed function, which allows segments of the contour to expand within one period and to shrink in the next period, i.e., coherent propagation. This strategy avoids the contour's local wiggling behavior which often occurs during the propagating when certain points move faster than the neighbors, as the curvature force will move them backwards even though the whole neighborhood will eventually move forwards. Using coherent propagation, these faster points will, instead, stay in their places waiting for their neighbors to catch up. A period ends when all the expanding/shrinking segments can no longer expand/shrink, which means that they have reached the border of the vessel or stopped by the curvature force. Coherent propagation also allows us to implement a modified narrow band level set algorithm that prevents the endless computation in points that have reached the vessel border. As these points' expanding/shrinking trend changes just after several iterations, the computation in the remaining iterations of one period can focus on the actually growing parts. Finally, a new convergence detection method is used to permanently stop updating the local level set function when the 0-level set is stationary in a voxel for several periods. The segmentation stops naturally when all points on the contour are stationary. In our preliminary experiments, significant speedup (about 10 times) was achieved on 3D data with almost no loss of segmentation accuracy.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Chunliang Wang, Hans Frimmel, and Örjan Smedby "Level-set based vessel segmentation accelerated with periodic monotonic speed function", Proc. SPIE 7962, Medical Imaging 2011: Image Processing, 79621M (11 March 2011); Logo
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Image segmentation

Medical imaging

Detection and tracking algorithms

Image processing algorithms and systems

Partial differential equations

3D metrology

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