21 June 2011 Target discrimination technique utilizing noise waveforms
Gordon Woodington, Mark DeLuca, Richard Moro, Daniel Lemus, Russell Vela, Ram Narayanan
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Noise waveforms generated using low cost diodes are a simple way for radars to transmit a wideband (> 4 GHz) multi-bit pseudorandom code for use in a cross correlation receiver. This type of waveform also has the advantage of being difficult to intercept and is less prone to interfere with adjacent systems. Radar designed to operate over this wide frequency range can take advantage of unique target Radar Cross Section (RCS) ripple versus frequency for objects of different materials and sizes. Specifically the periodicity and amplitude of the ripple is dependent on the shape and size of a target. Since background clutter does not display this variation, RCS variation determines whether a known target is present in a return. This paper will present the radar hardware and signal processing techniques used to maximize a target's unique spectral response against a cluttered background. The system operates CW over a 4-8 GHz bandwidth requiring the need to address issues regarding range resolution and far out undesired returns. Lessons learned from field observations and mitigation techniques incorporated in the system are included. This paper also deals with the signal processing technique used for detection, then discrimination. Detection thresholds are set and triggered by a simple correlation peak level. Discrimination involves inspection of the spectral return. A comparison performed in real time to a stored library value determines the presence of known objects. Measured data provided demonstrates the ability of the radar to discriminate multiple targets against multiple backgrounds.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gordon Woodington, Mark DeLuca, Richard Moro, Daniel Lemus, Russell Vela, and Ram Narayanan "Target discrimination technique utilizing noise waveforms", Proc. SPIE 8021, Radar Sensor Technology XV, 80211D (21 June 2011);
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Dielectric polarization



Finite element methods


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