12 April 2012 Tractography of white matter based on diffusion tensor imaging in ischaemic stroke involving the corticospinal tract: a preliminary study
Chongguang Zhong, Lijun Bai, Fangyuan Cui, Ruwei Dai, Ting Xue, Hu Wang, Wenjuan Wei, Zhenyu Liu, Youbo You, Yihuai Zou, Jie Tian
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Diffusion tensor MR imaging (DTI) provides information on diffusion anisotropy in vivo, which can be exhibited three-dimensional white matter tractography. Five healthy volunteers and five right-hand affected patients with early subacute ischaemic infarction involving the posterior limb of the internal capsule or corona radiate were recruited in this study. We used 3D white matter tractography to show the corticospinal tract in both volunteer group and stroke group. Then we compared parameters of the corticospinal tract in patients with that in normal subjects and assessed the relationships between the fiber number of the corticospinal tract in ipsilesional hemisphere and indicators of the patients' rehabilitation using Pearson correlation analysis. The fractional anisotropy (FA) values and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values in the ipsilesional corticospinal tract may significantly reduce comparing with the volunteer group. In addition, the stroke patient with less fiber number of the ipsilesional corticospinal tract may bear more possibilities of better motor rehabilitation. The FA values, ADC values and fiber number of the corticospinal tract in the ipsilesional hemisphere might be helpful to the prognosis and prediction of clinical treatment in stroke patients.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Chongguang Zhong, Lijun Bai, Fangyuan Cui, Ruwei Dai, Ting Xue, Hu Wang, Wenjuan Wei, Zhenyu Liu, Youbo You, Yihuai Zou, and Jie Tian "Tractography of white matter based on diffusion tensor imaging in ischaemic stroke involving the corticospinal tract: a preliminary study", Proc. SPIE 8317, Medical Imaging 2012: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging, 831708 (12 April 2012);
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Diffusion tensor imaging



Magnetic resonance imaging


In vivo imaging

3D image processing

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