16 February 2012 MedCast: a discussion support system for cooperative work
Ramon A. Moreno, Vinícius Lima, Isidro Lopes, Marco A. Gutierrez
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The availability of low cost Internet connections and specialized hardware, like webcams and headsets, makes possible the development of solutions for remote collaborative work. These solutions can provide advantages compared to presential meetings, such as: availability of experts on remote locations; lower price compared to presential meetings; creation of online didactic material (e.g. video-classes); richer forms of interaction between participants. These technologies are particularly interesting for continent-sized countries where typically there is a short number of skilled people in remote areas. However, the application of these technologies in medical field represents a special challenge due to the more complex requirements of this area, such as: Provide confidentiality (patient de-identification) and integrity of patient data; Guarantee availability of the system; Guarantee authenticity of data and users; Provide simple and effective user interface; Be compliant with medical standards such as DICOM and HL7. In order to satisfy those requirements a prototype called MedCast is under development whose architecture allows the integration of the Hospital Information System (HIS) with a collaborative tool in compliance with the HIPAA rules. Some of the MedCast features are: videoconferencing, chat, recording of the sessions, sharing of documents and reports and still and dynamic images presentation. Its current version allows the remote discussion of clinical cases and the remote ECG evaluation.
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Ramon A. Moreno, Vinícius Lima, Isidro Lopes, and Marco A. Gutierrez "MedCast: a discussion support system for cooperative work", Proc. SPIE 8319, Medical Imaging 2012: Advanced PACS-based Imaging Informatics and Therapeutic Applications, 831912 (16 February 2012); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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